LAVO is a pioneer in the manufacturing of domestic and small-scale commercial hydrogen systems.
LAVO is a 40kWh hydrogen battery suitable for installation in the Canberra region and south eastern NSW. LAVO combines an electrolyser, H2 Storage system and a fuel cell to provide a green battery solution to store electricity generated by PV solar systems wind turbines and other generation sources.
LAVO provides stable and secure back up power and is suitable for both domestic and commercial energy storage applications.
A LAVO hydrogen battery will outperform a typical Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage System (Li-ion BESS).
Checkout the LAVO Hydrogen Battery System on our resources page.
Why LAVO Hydrogen Batteries?
- Hydrogen batteries typically have 3-4 times the life of other common batteries.
- Will often store 3-4 times the amount of energy of a typical Li-ion BESS used for domestic energy storage.
- Are very Safe.
- Can be recycled.
- Significantly fewer emissions are generated in the production of fuel cells when compared to Li-ion batteries (Cradle to gate).
- Hydrogen batteries create less E waste than Li-ion or Lead acid batteries.
- Cost less than other battery energy storage systems over their lifetime.
- LAVO batteries work in temperature ranges of -10°C to + 50°C and,
- Delivers power at a regulated voltage to your home or business.
- Monitors and controls performance via the LAVO app.
- Stores hydrogen in the LAVO patented metal hydride.
- LAVO is Australian made.
If you live in the Canberra Region or South Eastern NSW, and would like to know more about secure backup power systems and the benefits for your business, the benefits for your home, or the uses in your home, or you would like to purchase a hydrogen system for your home or business, call us today.
Contact us
Contact us to find out how you can have your own home-based hydrogen system.